American Public Health Association Advocacy Bootcamp

American Public Health Association
Advocacy Bootcamp

During the summer of 2019, three Master of Public Health Students from Hofstra University had the opportunity to travel to the nation's capital to attend an advocacy bootcamp hosted by the American Public Health Association (APHA) where they trained in all things advocacy.

Before they embarked on their advocacy journey as future public health practitioners, they had a briefing session with Senator Hanon, Dean Holly, and MPH faculty. This session addressed various advocacy barriers and how to navigate the tough terrain of health care advocacy.

While each year the bootcamp has a different emphasis, this year focused on climate change, and they took away from the experience that climate change is a threat to public health. The students were able to learn how climate change is a community health crisis and how it affects them in their own communities. 

These Hofstra students were immersed with students from all over the country, some as far as Hawaii, during the bootcamp. They were trained intensively to become well versed in all the different aspects of advocacy for public health. 

They learned that advocacy is an ongoing process, but that your voice can be heard. Networking was a major component of the experience, and not only did they have the opportunity to connect with other students, but they also had the opportunity to meet representatives in Washington D.C. 

The students had the opportunity to meet with representatives from Queens and Staten Island, and they discussed why climate change as a community health issue is important to them.

Master of Public Health student Kuljit Kaur, who attended the bootcamp, said networking was one of her biggest takeaways from the experience, and learned that social media is a big component of advocacy. 


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