Delta Omega Honorary Society Induction for Spring 2018 by Jamila Conliffe

Delta Omega Honorary Society was founded in 1924 and currently includes 100 chapters with over 20,000 members throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Membership in Delta Omega reflects the dedication of an individual to quality in the field of public health and to protecting and advancing the health of all people. The Delta Kappa Chapter of the Delta Omega Honorary Society at Hofstra connects public health students, alumni, and faculty to recognize and develop leadership that advances and sustains the public's health.

Being inducted into the Public health honor society has been a great honor and I am truly honored to be recognized with all of the other amazing members of Delta Omega. Last year I had read about the Delta Omega Honor Society on Hofstra’s Public Health page and became interested so I researched the criteria for membership but I wasn’t sure if I would qualify. This year I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email informing me about the opportunity to apply. I thought it was great that the nominations were not only based on academic performance but also work and extracurricular public health activities. Even though I was hopeful I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was very happy when I received the news that I had been accepted as a student member into the Delta Kappa Chapter. I am excited for this opportunity and I am especially looking forward to working with and planning events with Dr. Santella and the members of the new E-board.

Pictured here from left to right – Dr. Anthony Santella, Delta Omega Faculty Advisor
Spring 2018 Inductees – Margret Wayne, Aditya Bissoonauth, Mariyam Hussain, Kemar Trowers, Dr. Corinne Kyriacou, Jamila Conliffe, Jeam Kelly (CEO, Interfaith Nutrition Network)
Linda Courtein, MPH, Past President, Delta Omega Honor Society 


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