Hofstra MPH Newsletter, 2016-17 (Volume 8)

Greetings from the MPH Program Director!

Anthony J. Santella, DrPH, MPH, Adv Cert, MCHES

Welcome to the 2016-17 academic year edition (Volume 8) of the Hofstra MPH newsletter, The Bridge!  We have moved the newsletter to a blog format as it became very expensive to lay out and print hard copies. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the content just as much in this format!  

We were fortunate to bring on two MPH student co-editors/writers this year – Utsavi Kapadia and Nina Garambone. Although Utsavi and Nina wrote many articles, you will see there are articles written by their fellow MPH classmates as well a a student from our undergraduate Health Sciences program.

The 2016-17 academic year had many highlights which include but are not limited to:

    • Enrolled 29 new MPH students, including our first MD/MPH student.
    • 17 MPH students have or will graduate in the 2016-17 academic year. All are going on to exciting jobs and or entering other academic programs. 
    • Developed a new Graduate Certificate in Foundations of Public Health (currently under review with the New York State Department of Education) which is expected to begin in the Fall ’17 semester.
    • Organized a successful National Public Health Week headlined by New York State Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker. This included academic panels on One Health, Veterinary Health, Healthcare Administration, a Minority Health Fair in partnership with the Nassau County Department of Health, and an Interdisciplinary Student Film Competition which involved 50 students from various academic departments on campus. 
    • Application approved by the Association of Schools and Programs in Public Health to start a Delta Omega Honor Society and inducted the first members of our Kappa Chapter. Dr. Martine Hackett will serve as their advisor. These include: 
      • Community Leaders
        • Larry Eisenstein, MD, MPH
        • James Tomarken, MD, MPH, MSW, MBA
      • Alumni
        • Nuzhat Quaderi, MPH, CHES
        • Sherisse Carter, MPH
      • Students
        • Linda Courtien, MPH
        • Bianca Derrick, MPH
    • Election an Executive Board for our newly formed Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA). Thanks for Nuzhat Quaderi who is leading the E-Board group as President with assistance from Stacey Bogdan from our Alumni and Development Affairs Office. 
    • We welcomed Gladys Serrano, CEO of the Hispanic Counseling Center to our MPH Community Advisory Board.
    • Staff Update: April Siderine was promoted to Coordinator of Internships, Accreditation and Outreach. Vicky Vasquez joined us as Senior Executive Secretary. 
    • Student Achievements
      • 7 students received scholarship funded by the National Center for Suburban Studies to attend the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in Denver
      • Several students and alumni passed the Certified Health Education Specialist exam. Congrats to all our new CHES including Samira Khan, Samantha Fields, Mirco Joseph, Aditya Bissoonauth, Eugenia Boye-Codjoe, and Afrin Howlader!
      • One student, Bernard Robert, had a research poster accepted at the Pediatric Academic Society Conference
      • One alumni, Dr. Isma Chaudhry, was named one of Long Island’s Most Influential Women (for the second year in a row!)
    • Our student group, the Society of Public Health Advocates (SOPHA) was once again voted Graduate/Professional Student Organization of the Year!! Congrats to the entire E-Board led by Keisha Sumner with faculty advisor Dr. Sarah Novak. SOPHA had a busy year with the following: E-Board election, Autumn Cider Social, Veterans Health academic panel, community service at The Inn, Super Bowl Social, National Public Health Week health promotion tabling and 5K Fun Run to support the Solidarity Haitiano-Americaine de Long Island, Inc. 
There are 16 short articles in this newsletter so please scroll through and read and comment away! As you can see it has been a busy, productive, and exciting year. I wish you all a healthy summer!

Dr. Anthony J. Santella


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