MPH Symposium Spring 2020

Although we shifted gears for this semester and held a virtual MPH symposium instead of the traditional in-person event, our 14 graduating students were still able to present on their final Integrative Learning Experience projects in the “presence” of their friends, families, faculty and classmates. We had a great turnout for our virtual symposium, held on May 7, 2020, with opening remarks from our Vice Provost for Graduate and Undergraduate Affairs – Dr. Elfreda Blue and our Dean from the School of Health Professions and Human Services – Dr. Holly Seriup. I appreciated what these university leaders had to say, highlighting the relevance of the public research the students worked so hard on, and the importance of moving forward into the field of public health. Topics like Burnout and Depression among Medical Residents is something that so many health professionals are experiencing, especially right now during the pandemic where individuals are working long hours and putting...