Hofstra MPH Newsletter, 2016-17 (Volume 8)

Greetings from the MPH Program Director! Anthony J. Santella, DrPH, MPH, Adv Cert, MCHES Welcome to the 2016-17 academic year edition (Volume 8) of the Hofstra MPH newsletter, The Bridge ! We have moved the newsletter to a blog format as it became very expensive to lay out and print hard copies. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the content just as much in this format! We were fortunate to bring on two MPH student co-editors/writers this year – Utsavi Kapadia and Nina Garambone . Although Utsavi and Nina wrote many articles, you will see there are articles written by their fellow MPH classmates as well a a student from our undergraduate Health Sciences program. The 2016-17 academic year had many highlights which include but are not limited to: Received full (5-year) accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health . Special thanks for Dr. Corinne Kyriacou who led us through this rigorous process! We celebrated this mile...