Hofstra's Public Health Alumni Association Statement on "plague of systemic racism in the US"

2020 is proving to be one of the toughest times for our nation. Amidst the global wide COVID-19 pandemic, we have also been reminded of issues that have, and continue to, plague our country. The issues of racism, injustice, discrimination, and inequality are deeply rooted in our history. Despite the civil rights-era activism and legislation, these issues are still prevalent today. This has recently been highlighted both by COVID-19 and the murder of George Floyd. We are living through a multilayered public health crisis and action must be taken. As public health professionals, we implore you and encourage you to let your voices be heard and take action. We ask you to engage in conversations; conversations which will be uncomfortable, but necessary. We ask you to educate not only yourself, but your peers. We need to come together, learn from one another, and mend the damage inflicted on persons of color, especially the black community. This situa...